Australia hingga saat ini masih menempati urutan teratas negara termahal di dunia, walau demikian melemahnya nilai tukar mata uang dollar Australia turut menurunkan harga barang dan jasa jika diukur dalam terminologi dollar AS.

Dalam ranking tahunan customer price index (CPI) yang dirilis oleh Deutsche Bank, ternyata bahwa, Australia masih menempati 12 persen lebih mahal dibandingkan Amerika.

Pada Tahun 2012  disaat dollar Australia begitu kuatnya, Australia 63 persen lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan Negara Amerika. Sydney dan Melbourne, menurut ranking tersebut, telah tercatat sebagai bagian dari 10 besar kota termahal di dunia, masing-masing di urutan kelima dan kedelapan.

Hanya saja Singapura, Paris, Oslo, dan Zurich yang mengalahkan Sydney sebagai kota termahal. Sementara Selandia Baru pada saat kini menempati urutan kedua negara termahal karena penguatan nilai tukar mata uangnya.

Negara paling murah dalam daftar tersebut adalah Rusia, sejalan dengan turunnya nilai mata uangnya. Laporan bank ini merujuk pada pengukuran skala internasional purchasing power parity (PPP), yang membandingkan harga barang yang sama di berbagai negara.

Australia mendominasi daftar dengan harga barang dan jasa yang hampir semuanya menempati urutan termahal. Sebagai contoh, harga kamar hotel bintang lima di Sydney ternyata 232 persen lebih mahal dibandingkan di New York.

Harga minuman ringan Coca-Cola ukuran satu liter di Sydney lebih mahal 1,5 kali dibandingkan barang yang sama di New York.

Warga Australia juga membayar lebih mahal untuk celana jeans Levi’s atau sepatu Adidas dibandingkan dengan warga Amerika, meskipun umumnya lebih murah dibandingkan yang dibayar warga Eropa.

Harga iPhone juga lebih mahal dibandingkan di Amerika. Harga transportasi umum baik di Sydney maupun Melbourne tercatat sebagai bagian yang paling mahal dibandingkan di kota lain yang berhasil disurvei.

Satu-satunya harga yang murah di Sydney dan Melbourne dibandingkan kota lainnya adalah biaya keanggotaan pusat kebugaran.***David.GS***

Sydney_ Criminal
Australia is still tops the list of the most expensive countries in the world, however weakening Australian dollar helped lower the price of goods and services measured in terms of dollars.
In the annual ranking of customer price index (CPI) released by Deutsche Bank, it turns out that, Australia still occupies 12 percent more expensive than the US.
In the year 2012 when the Australian dollar so strong, Australia 63 percent more expensive than the United States. Sydney and Melbourne, according to the rankings, has been recorded as part of the top 10 most expensive cities in the world, each in the fifth and eighth.
Only Singapore, Paris, Oslo, and Zurich were defeated Sydney as the most expensive city. While New Zealand in the present ranks second most expensive country for strengthening the exchange rate.
Cheapest country in the list are Russia, in line with the fall in the value of its currency. The bank statement refers to the international scale of measurement of purchasing power parity (PPP), which compares the price of the same goods in various countries.
Australia dominated the list with the prices of goods and services almost all ranks highest. For example, the price of a five-star hotel room in Sydney turned out to be 232 percent more expensive than in New York.
The price of Coca-Cola soft drink one liter in Sydney 1.5 times more expensive than the same stuff in New York.
Australians also pay more for Levi’s jeans or shoes Adidas compared to Americans, although generally less than that paid for the citizens of Europe.
IPhone price is also more expensive than in the US. The price of public transport both in Sydney and Melbourne recorded as part of the most expensive compared to other cities that successfully surveyed.
The only cheap prices in Sydney and Melbourne than other cities is a fitness center membership fee. *** *** David.GS



Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perkonomian, Sofyan Djalil menegaskan, pemerintah mendukung dihapuskannya produk premium atau bensin dengan oktan 88. Beliau juga menambahkan penghapusan premium seharusnya bisa lebih cepat dari rekomendasi Kementerian ESDM yakni dua tahun lagi.

Namun hal itu, diakui Sofyan, yang menjadi dilema saat ini adalah kilang-kilang PT Pertamina (Persero) sudah berusia senja dan tidak mampu memproduksi bensin dengan kadar oktan  lebih tinggi.

“Kalau kita mau hilangkan RON (research octane number) 88, maka terpaksa kita tutup semua kilang. Implikasinya, jika  kilang ditutup, maka kita terpaksa impor 100 persen produk minyak,” tegas Sofyan  di kantornya pada, Jakarta, Jumat (17/04/2015).

Sofyan menegaskan, perbaikan kilang Pertamina semestinya dilakukan dari sejak dulu. Beliau menjelaskan, ketika menjabat sebagai Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara, Direktur Utama Pertamina saat itu, Ari Soemarno sempat memberikan presentasi untuk perbaikan kilang.

Sejumlah investor sudah berminat untuk kerjasama perbaikan kilang Pertamina. Namun, rencana tersebut urung direalisasikan, dengan alasan yang diketahui Sofyan merupakan alasan bisnis.

Sofyan menegaskan, bila pada saat itu dibangun kilang-kilang baru maka Pertamina tidak perlu menutup semua kilang untuk menghilangkan RON 88.

“Kalau kita sudah punya kilang, kita sudah punya minyak mentah sendiri sehingga bisa disuling di dalam negeri. Kita impor minyak mentah yang harganya lebih murah, 50 dollar AS per barel, daripada beli produk minyak yang harganya bisa 70 dollar AS per barel,” tegas Sofyan kembali.***Anton.H***

Jakarta _Criminal
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Djalil said the government supports the elimination of premium products or gasoline with octane 88. He also added that the abolition of the premium should be faster than on the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of two years.
However it is recognized Sofyan, the current dilemma is the refineries of PT Pertamina (Persero) is the age of retirement and are not able to produce gasoline with higher octane levels.
“If we want to remove the RON (research octane number) 88, then we are forced to close all refineries. The implication, if the plant is closed, then we are forced to import 100 percent of oil products, “said Sofyan at his office in Jakarta, Friday (04/17/2015).
Sofyan asserted, Pertamina refinery repairs should be done from long ago. He explained, when served as Minister of State Owned Enterprises, Director of Pertamina then, Soemarno had to give a presentation to repair the refinery.
Some investors are already interested in cooperation repair oil refineries. However, the plan failed to be realized, for reasons unknown Sofyan is a business reason.
Sofyan asserted, if at the time it was built new refineries, Pertamina does not need to cover all the refineries to remove RON 88.
“If we’ve got refineries, we already had its own crude oil that can be refined in the country. We import of crude oil, which are cheaper, 50 US dollars per barrel, rather than buy oil products whose price can be 70 dollars per barrel, “said Sofyan back. *** *** Anton.H